Let's start with the good stuff, this game plays as smooth looks as it looks, great. The single player is full of action and is a great way to get acclimated to equipment, which you will unlock in the multiplayer. Variety is not an issue because you can change your load outs between missions and customize your arsenal as well, using the gunsmith system, in which you are able to disassemble your weapons and reconstruct with different components. After the single player campaign I went straight for the online side of the game in which the competitive gameplay was to be expected, but Guerrilla is where I had the most fun. In Guerrilla you and your squad mates will encounter waves of enemies, up to a total of fifty waves, and in split screen nonetheless.
Unfortunately there were a couple things that had me dropping four letter bombs at my TV. The first and biggest issue while playing the story mode was the distance between checkpoints, so let's say you spend ten to fifteen minutes sneaking to the next checkpoint, sneak around a corner and alert an enemy, and bam, I get to start over again. Not immediately but after some multi tasking while I wait to attempt intercepting and taking out some baddies again, but successfully this next time. What I am saying are the load times aren't short, so try not to get caught and die. Lastly, my complaint is with the multiplayer and the lack of split screen while playing, you can only play split screen in the Guerrilla mode, and though it doesn't happen often, I would like to form a squad and take the rush online, against others and not just to take on waves of AI controlled war criminals.
At the end of the day, Ghost Recon is a near perfect third person shooter with a couple quirks to iron out and is the best shooter this year, in my opinion. Sure the single player is a bit dull at times but the action and toys make it a great primer to prepare you for the real fun, the online Guerrilla and competitive Multiplayer modes. While the Gunsmith mode was an interesting concept it is still going to take a little getting used to and a lot more weapon unlocks for me to really enjoy, but at this rate, it won't be long. If first person shooters aren't your thing or you are looking for another wonderful shooter to add to your arsenal, you won't be disappointed.
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