If there was a list, and this list could talk - it would tell you what we're about to. What new games are coming out this week?
Starting next Monday - we'll bring you the list of the upcoming games that are to be released that week, and we'll be sure to dig up any pre-order bonuses from the major retailers. Now, being that it's Tuesday, this week is already out of whack, I'm going to list what's of note, for the remainder of this week.
Week of March 30th - April 5th
*3/29 - Guitar Hero Metallica
3/31 - Air Conflicts
3/31 - Leisure Suit Larry: Box Office Bust
3/31 - Major Minor's Majestic March
3/31 - Tokyo Beat Down
4/1 - SkiDoo Snowmobile Challenge
4/2 - Dance Dance Revolution Disney Grooves Bundle
Please note, there ARE better games coming...