Thursday, March 26, 2009

Let us know you're out there!

To all our dearest of readers and subscribers. Let me be the first to say "thank you" for coming to the site. We are working on a ton of stuff and want some feedback from you all. Let us know you're reading the site! Leave us some comments, don't be shy - we're still small for now, but one day, when the gates to the Video Game heaven open up and Publishers shower us with games, and cool stuff that we can pass on to you, our readers, don't you think we'll remember the early ones? They say you always remember your first, well we say we'll always remember our first 100 loyal subscribers.

Currently we're up to about 35 subscribers to our RSS feed - lets shoot for 100 for April. You can help, by being active on the site, others will want to come play. I mean, no one wants to play on an empty playground - step into our warm inviting sandboxes, swing on our monkey bars, and enjoy the news and gossip that we'll bring you.

In the words of the great Homestar Runner, "Do you has what it takes to join the Homestarmy? Will you bring a sack lunch, and some orange slices for me and storm your country? Will you stupid?

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