Saturday, August 18, 2012

Form and function come together in Ego Case Hybrid review

Ego has provided us with a new accessory for my iPhone, their recent Hybrid Series USB case. It is simply that, an ego phone case with an easy access thumb drive. The case comes in a variety of seven colors, while the thumb drives come in six different colors, and you are able to mix and match.  The drives comes in 2, 4, 8, and 16 Gig sizes that don’t add bulk to the case. The case has been on my phone for just over a week now so lets see how it stacks up.
Now that I have had some time with the case and put it through the tests of my life, I can safely say that though the case feels a bit weaker than some other slim cases I have had the pleasure of reviewing, it holds the phone tight and wiggles less than a lot of them. The USB is what makes this case, it is slim, comes in a variety of sizes, and even though it is slim, it fit snugly into the case and never had any issues with it falling out of the case and into my pocket.  On top of the form and function aspect, I especially like the ability to mix and match colors of the case and drive.
Now for the bad, there isn’t much but there are a couple things to keep in mind with this case. The feel of the case looks like it would have the satin surface used with a lot of recent cases on the market but this has more of a matte plastic feel. While the case did snap right onto my phone and held it tight, there was a slightly noticeable gap along the right side of the phone regardless to how the case was put on the phone. Lastly is the price, though not much more than other specialty cases out there, depending on the size of the thumb drive the price can get a little steep, though not much more than buying a thumb drive or buying a new case, you just get two in one at a higher price.
All in all I really enjoyed the case. Even though there were a few thing I would have changed it was quite useful to me. Whether I wanted to listen to music via USB in my truck or in the office, I always had the drive on me and was especially useful for accessing assets from multiple computers as opposed to the keychain drive I was using before…I forgot my keys all the time.

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