weekend, another set of reviews. Crysis 3 was delivered at the
beginning of the week and since I had completed Revengeance, it was a
welcome delivery. In Crysis 3 you take on the role of Prophet, a
Nanosuit soldier hell bent on the cliche, yet standard storyline,
rediscovering humanity while seeking brutal revenge. For those that
missed the previous entries and are joining the party a bit late, the
storyline in Crysis 3 takes place in a future dilapidated New York City
and follows an adventure around the symbiotic relationship between
soldier and suit while coping with the memories of the previous suit’s
occupant. On top of that you must also deal with wake of an alien
invasion and a secretive military faction. That being said, let’s see
how this title actually plays.
little history of my time spent with this series consists of me missing
the first title, playing most of the second until I reached a game
breaking glitch, and played through the third in it’s entirety. I felt
that the third probably played more smoothly than the last with a much
better tutorial to get you accustomed to the nanosuit and the available
abilities. Like the last, the post apocalyptic New York City looks
stunning with the CryEngine3. Aside from looking great, the gameplay is
smooth and has a lot to offer regardless to your gameplay style, run and
gun or stealth, you are rewarded for your actions and can progress your
character based on your preference.
for the things I was not particularly fond of, first would easily be
the online multiplayer gameplay. The maps felt small in comparison to
the large single player sandboxes and the number of people online was
rather lacking with a couple hundred at most in any of the game modes at
numerous times throughout the day. The other, would be the story and
dialogue. My issue with the story is that is it just kind of bland and
doesn’t stand out in comparison to a number other recent titles that
have been released. While there is plenty of conflict and great subject
matter the cutscenes are easily skippable, the only thing you would be
missing out on would the eye candy.
in all, Crysis 3 is a solid game for the single player experience. The
online is a fun to play, just don’t expect to play against a large
variety of opponents and with such a small community, I worry that it
will quickly get smaller. The single player was where the real enjoyment
came from for me, that and stealth with with the bow. I loved starting
new levels, scanning the area for look out points to plan one long and
violent strategy with numerous contingency plans for when my suit runs
out of energy to recharge. The gameplay is a blast, the graphics are
stunning, but the story just wasn’t too memorable for me, possibly
resulting from not playing the first or completing the second.