Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Dragon Age: Origins releases to retail

So you think between all of your time being spent playing Borderlands, Brutal Legend, or Uncharted 2, you might find time for another RPG?  Hell yeah! 

Today marks the release of BioWare's epic RPG, Dragon Age: Origins.  If you've ever played any BioWare title, you'll know that you're in for one swell treat!  Also, I'm sure the disc is not light on content, but they've gone ahead and also released three DLC packs as well, The Stone Prisoner, Warden's Keep and the Blood Dragon Armor.

The Stone Prisoner (1200 MS Points) - unlocks new environments, items, and characters and unlocks hours of new gameplay, involving the stone golem Shale.

Warden's Keep (560 MS Points) - gains access to a premium dungeon, explore and find new loot, including some cool ass ancient Grey Warden armor.  Also, a chance to gain two of six mysterious abilities, a new base complete with stores and wares, and a toy chest to place all your items. 

And lastly, you can purchase the Blood Dragon Armor for 0 Microsoft Points, which will give you additional combat protection in Dragon Age as well as the upcoming Mass Effect 2 - aye!!!!

Oh, and one more thing - in an odd media team-up; Jared Leto's led "30 Seconds to Mars" releases their newest single "This is War" as the title song from Dragon Age: Origins.  We've embedded the video for your listening enjoyment below.  Jared's so dreamy!!!

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