Synopsis: It is that time again, that time of the year where the big music games step it up and release their titles at once to see which one really has the bragging rights. With Rock Band 3, comes a huge 83 song set list along with supporting the existing library of over 1500 songs while still adding songs weekly. There is also a redesigned music library with this third entry that allows the user to make and save set lists along with sorting music you like or dislike making management of your music library much more painless. New instruments were also introduced to the game, with the pro guitar and pro drums to provide a more accurate music experience and last but not least is the pitch accurate keyboard to provide that variety of instruments that up to seven players can enjoy.

Praise: The sound quality is amazing, with the amount of clarity and how the added emphasis on the sound of your instrument is not overwhelming. The cut scenes and background while you are rocking out is great, with more realistic looking characters to choose from along with the vibrant stage effects. Since there is only really two dominant games in this genre, finding people to play with is fast with very few people rage quitting while also being lucky enough to not experience lag in any of the matches played. The track list is absolutely amazing, there were few songs that I didn't know and about the same amount of songs that I didn't really care for.

Gripes: My first issue with Rock Band 3's gameplay is with the difficulty as I stick to the medium difficulty as trying to get used to the fifth (orange) button is something I have problems getting the hang of, but in this title if you pick medium, you have to use all of the buttons. The only other issue I had with this this game was hitting note streaks as it seems that you have to more accurately hit the notes as opposed to the Guitar Hero titles, recalibrating the TV did help, but still seemed rather overly sensitive as to when notes are considered successfully hit.

Overall, my experience with Rock Band was very satisfying, especially when everyone in the family was able to play together. When it was just myself I think it may have even been faster than playing with a houseful, mainly because of setting up instruments and having to agree on a song to play. My review was done using the Guitar Hero instruments, so the drums, guitar, and microphone worked with this game.

Mashbuttons.com gives Rock Band 3 an 9 out of 10.
Rock Band 3 is available now for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Nintendo Wii, and Nintendo DS.
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