Sunday, May 26, 2013

MashButtons review of Metro: Last Light

The time has come, and I must admit a bit earlier than expected but Metro 2033’s sequel has finally seen the last light of day. Poor pun aside, Metro: Last Light is here for the diehard followers and the many that missed the cult hit, Metro:2033, in console and PC form. This shooter comes in the form of survival horror, with great emphasis on the the survival, by providing a very limited supply of bullets and air filters in post apocalyptic Moscow. The story once again unwinds in the tunnels of the Metro and you find yourself battling internal power struggles for a weapon of mass destruction to wipe out humanity and once again taking on the role of Artyom, you hold the key to humankind’s fate. 
I have to start by saying that Metro:Last Light looks amazing on the Xbox, the 4A Engine did a great job in creating an apocalyptic world with some great lighting both topside and in the Metro. On top of looking great it had a story most any sci fi fan would enjoy while introducing characters in which you grow to like and hate throughout the story. Like the first, the story is what makes Metro so enjoyable and playing as Artyom, the lead from the first, I picked up just after the first as a true sequal and not that hipster prequal or crappy diiferent main character crap. Ranger Mode was what I was looking forward to as a reward for my first playthrough at an easier difficulty and what the mode features is a much more difficult and realistic play mode that makes you want to refrain from wasting precious bullets. 
It is still a bit buggy, improved over 2033, but buggy nonetheless. My most frequently encoutered bug was when my mission locator would point me to my comrade Pavel, but when I approached, it was just akward staring into each other’s eyes waiting for my next instructions. This would usually end up with having to restart the chapter as when I loaded the previous checkpoint I ofter still encountered the same issue. While the premise of bullets as an important form of currency and survival is a unique aspect introduced in Metro 2033, while the gameplay is somewhat bland and does not do a lot to stand out over the number of other shooters in the market, luckily it has personality and loads of it.
Metro:Last Light was a great adventure, the premise of the story had me from start, all the way through the bugs, and up to the finish. It does have it’s blemishes, not on the surface as the Metro was exquisite looking, but on the inside with the occasional chapter restarting bugs. However, if you are like me and more of a fan of the story than some of the more mainstream shooters, than you owe it to yourself to check out Last Light as I have not had this much fun playing a single player shooter since Bioshock, mainly for the dark worlds and enjoyable cast. There is a lot of fun to be had as the story takes between 10 and 12 hours to complete and Ranger Mode is something that should definitely be experienced after your first playthrough if you want to experience punishment as it was intended.